Saturday, October 09, 2004

Yesterday's training

I did some heavy tolerance training. The whole session was pretty long. I usually take about 40-50 minutes per session, but this took over 1:30 hours.

I started with "cold" excercises. Meaning no breathup, just inhale and go. I did 6-7 of these in the range of 3:00-4:00, with very short rests between. During these excercises I also stretched my lungs with very heavy packing (up to 35, which for me is a point where I can not pack any more) I then did one "blunter" (which is so named because it blunts the breathing reflex), an excercise I copied from Deeperblue's forums. Short description: exhale all you air and hold your breath. At about 0:40 pack 3 times. Continue packing 3-4 times every 10 seconds until the lungs are completely full. This should take about 5-6 minutes. The trick is, you'll have contractions pretty much all that time and heavily feel the breathing reflex. This is a really excruciating excercise, but also very effective.

I then rested a bit and did some empty lung and FRC holds, ranging from 1:00 to 2:15. To my surprise I could do a 1:30 empty lung, which previously was far beyond my reach, quite easily.

After that I did 2 easy statics to 5:00 and 5:30.

Last night was the first in days that I've gotten a decent sleep (9 hours or so), but now having rested I feel great. I'm going to rest and relax today, getting back in action tomorrow.


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