Monday, October 11, 2004

More CO2 tolerance training

Today I did my normal co2 routine. "Cold" holds of 3-4:30 with short rests.
3:00 (20 packs)
3:15 (25 packs)
4:05(30 packs, 50 contractions)
4:36(30 packs, 56 contractions).
I think that resisting 56 contractions is my personal best, so not all in waste!

I then did 2 empty lung statics of 1:00 and 1:15, and FRC statics of 2:00 and 2:15. I tried one longer one. Same breathups as yesterday (10x5:0:5), but could barely manage 5 minutes. I guess I had worn my self out (I had absolutely nil will to fight in the end).

For lunch I had a pizza, some salads and a banana. After the excersice some multivitamis, fish liver oil capsules, grapes, broccoli and sandwhiches. I know you don't care. But I might in some distant future ;)


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