Friday, November 19, 2004

6:50 with samba

Wohoo! I know I shouldn't call it a pb, since I clearly had a samba. But mentally this is a huge step, since I've been able to push to 6:45 only once and that was a long long time ago. This was a pretty weird session. I've never been able to push myself further after one "max" attempt. But now I did a 6:30 (which already was pretty damn good). I was planning on doing an empty lung, but while breathing up I just felt so good I decided to go for another max. I clearly hyperventilated for the first, but not really all that much for the second. But still my first contraction was an incredible 5:36. I think it's a bit misleading to say I didn't get contractions before that. I guess "letting go" of contractions is more accurate. Meaning, that's the time when I can mentally suppress them anymore and start to just let them come.

I have a bit mixed feelings now. First of all, I should be performing much worse with the blood donation and all. Second, I want to try for a shorter warmup, but always slip to doing this old routine because I seem to make progress here too. But I guess what ever works, works, as they say...

One thing to note is, that I didn't really eat anything all day. One doughnut in the morning (I know I know, I said I quit eating sweets etc, but it was free damnit! You don't turn down a free doughnut!).

1:30 FRC
4:00 (15 packs, 10 contractions, 1st 3:25)
2:15 FRC
1:40 Empty
5:05 (10x5:0:5, 20 packs, 15 contractions, 1st 4:15)
6:30 (12X5:0:5, 20 packs, 30 contractions, 1st 5:05)
6:50 (2 minutes relaxed breathing, 2 purges, 23 packs, 30 contractions, 1st 5:36)<-samba

I should mention that on the 6:30, while packing, I got so dizzy that I actually lost control of my facial muscles for a second and blew out quite a lot of air. So I had nowhere near "20 packs" in me when starting. Pretty scary. On the 6:50 I packed absolutely full, bordering on pain. Strange though, that to reach that state before, I had to pack well over 30 times. Either my lungs have gotten smaller or my packing technique better...Dunno.


At 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey jome,
incredible static - even if you sambaed...
for my is, stuff like this, far away and i am sure you will do it oneday without a samba - maybe you have to go trough this for reaching your aims...
Did a 3:15 last weekend... not very impressiv, but i am making progress as well! :-)
Greets Farmer Mat (from deeperblue)

At 11:28 PM, Blogger jome said...


Nice to hear you're making progress too. And hey, I was struggling to reach 3 minutes only a year ago.

Too bad I don't have easy access to a capnograph, so I can't give you data for your project. Would be interesting to see for me as well...

Just keep at it, you'll join the 4 club soon enough :)


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