Wednesday, November 10, 2004

New wet pb

Heh, I knew I had it in me, just had to go an do it. I hit 6:14 in the pool today, and this time there was no talk of "borderline" and I felt fine. I ventilated much less than last time. I would still call it a slight hyperventilation, but much closer to "optimum" I think. I could propably do with some less still. I decided to give the elios "jump suit" a go again, having just weeks a go sworn by the short sleeve. I don't know if the suit has anything to do with it, but I was just in high spirits all day. The very first hold, an empty lung of 1:20, felt so good that I knew I could hit a good time. I did a pretty long warmup, took my time, but at no point did I get the usual "ok, last change, this has got to be IT"-feeling. I just sort of gradually build up to the maximum. Feels very good having reached a point, where I can confidently go in and know I can hit 6 minutes if I want to.

Didn't make any notes (as I usually don't in the pool), but here's the session from memory:
1:20 Empty lung
1:00 Empty lung
2:20 FRC
2:00 FRC
4:00 (no bu, no packing, 1st contraction around 2 minutes)
5:15 (~7 relaxed breaths, 3 packs, 1st contraction around 3)
0:40 Empty
5:00 same as above
0:40 Empty
30 packs, hold for 20 sec, slow exhale
6:14 (8*5:0:5, 25 packs, 1st contraction around 4:00)

I don't count contractions usually in the water, it's just distracting. For some reason, contractions in the water are much more frequent, but easier to handle. Go figure.


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