Sunday, October 31, 2004

Sunday at the pool - new pb

I managed to beat my wet pb by a whopping second! My warmup was fairly short and simple and the static was pretty easy, so it feels pretty good. Of course I'm a bit dissapointed that I didn't hold on a couple of seconds more, since that would've made me unofficially the Tampere champion ;). But even a second is improvement, and especially after this weeks troubles, a very welcome one.

I didn't write anything down, but here's the session from memory.
0:40 Empty lung dry static
2:30 dry static, 25 packs, 10 contractions (stretching)
1:20 Empty lung dry
3:30 dry static, 30 packs, 10 contractions (stretching)
few minutes rest
5:00 Static, 5*5:0:5, 25 packs, 40 contractions, 1st 3:15
6:03 Static, 10*5:0:5, 25 packs, didn't count contractions, 1st 4:15

I now do most of my warmup dry, just sitting by the poolside. It's good because I don't need anyone to spot me and can concentrate just on the warmup. I haven't noticed any benefit from doing warmups wet so I guess I'll stick to this. I don't remember if I mentioned it already, but I also quit using goggles. All I wear is a short sleeved wetsuit and nose clip (well, obviously trunks under the suit). I find it easier to do statics being cool. With my 5mm elios jumpsuit I get too hot. This short sleeved suit keeps the "core" nice and warm, but the limbs cool. I don't know if there is any real benefit, but I'd like to think this enhances the diving reflex and reduces circulation in the limbs. Who knows, what ever works, works :) The goggles I dropped just because I like the feeling of water in my eyelids. Helps me relax and concentrate. The latter especially beacuse I can't open my eyes even if I wanted to, so I'll just have to play around in the head...

The rest of the session I did some easy bottom statics, practiced the mouthfill (which I'm pretty confident to say I now know how to do, but still cannot get it every time...Harder than it sounds) and inverted walks (a fun thing to do if you can find an inverted surface under water and have a wetsuit on with no weights). Basically just having fun. The feeling of just sitting in the bottom for 3 minutes and not feeling any discomfort, is just incredible...Even euphoric. Easy to get hooked.

Today's jogging day again. 15-17km is the target...


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