Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Rebuilding shape

I don't know what happened. I was expecting to gain from such a long rest, but it seems I've gone way backwards. Today the contractions returned to normal, but fight time still sucks. I could find the will to struggle past 30 contractions and reach 5:40. That's better than yesterday, but still 40 seconds short of my supposed "everytime" target. I'll have to do some digging on what could be causing this. All in all, I think that resting must be beneficial in the long term, and I know I can regain the level I was at, but it's kind of frustrating to go backwards. I have to tread carefully now not to loose my motivation. The past 2 days have also been kind different at work, so maybe that is also a factor. Not 40 seconds worth, but still some. I'm also finding it difficult to allocate enough time for this. For example right now I feel like searching DeeperBlue for answers (the contractions thing yesterday propably has to do with co2 accumulating in active training and then dropping to normal level after such a long rest), but I've no time.

Here's the data quickly:
2:00 (1st contraction at 1:45)
3:30 (25, contractions, 1st contraction at 2:00)
Empty lung 1:00
Empty lung 1:10
4:10 (7x5:0:5, 15 packs, 10 contractions, 1st at 3:10)
4:40 (10x5:0:5, 15 packs, 8 contractions, 1st at 4:00)
5:40 (10x5:0:5, 20 packs, 30 contractions, 1st at 4:00)

Looking at the series I now realize I had no real structure or focus on this. Just sort of playing around. No real goal or motivation. I find this a bit scary, let's hope I don't run into "static burnout". I need to find that mentalf focus again that I had a few months ago...

I've also noticed that I'm not able to pack nearly as much as before. I was doing 30-35 packs on my top holds just 2 weeks ago. Now reaching 20 is almost painful. Too bad I don't own a spirometer. I have no idea if the actual amount of air is any smaller, or is it just that I take the initial breath deeper and therefore pack less...


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