Friday, October 15, 2004

Holding breath, yet again

There must be something wrong with me. At the end of the workday, I'm as anxious as anyone to get out to enjoy the weekend. Little do the others know, that what I actually want get to, is holding my breath. Not to go to the pub or on a trip or anything. Just apnea... Kind of freaky.

So the basic co2 set again today:
3:30 (20 packs, 50 contractions, 1st at 1:30)
4:16 (30 packs, 60 contractions, 1st at 2:00)
4:02 (35 packs, 50 contractions, 1 st at 2:15)
Empty lung 1:30
Empty lung 1:45
4:00 (20 packs, stopped at first contraction)
Empty lung 1:00, did some diaphgram stretching.
Empty lung 2:15 (wohoo!) with hyperventilation
5:00 with hyperventilation, (10 contractions 1st at 4:09)
4:25 (10 packs, very easy, no contractions)

I got bored of the agonising co2 training and started to mess with empty lungs and then trying to see how long I could do within the comfort zone. Interesting to note that the last hold, 4:25, was almost euphoric all the way to the end.

Couldn't really hit my best edge today. Perhaps I need a rest. I'll be resting tomorrow and hitting the pool again on sunday. Let's see how that goes.

I topped of the statics with 12 km of jogging. The first 4 km or so I did heavy apnea training.
I usually time my self, but at this time of year it's so dark I couldn't see the watch, so I measured my intervals using the lamp posts. The distance between lamp posts here is 30-50m.

First exercise was breathing up the distance between 2 posts, then apnea jogging the next. I then slowly started to increase the apnea part and decrease the breathup. Total distance remaining the same. In the end I was doing about 1.5 apnea and 0.5 breathup. I did this for about 10 minutes.

I the switched to FRC and did the same but breathing up 2 posts and running 1. Did this about 5 times. Then the same with empty lungs.

Now doing this on empty lungs is sheer agony and each time I could feel my conciousness fading and after starting to breathe again, I was on "autopilot" for a few seconds. Not really in control of my own body. Very strange feeling!

For the very last exercise I tried the absolute maximum distance I could go on full inhale (no packing). I managed to pass 3 posts. I later measured this in time, and it would be 45-50 seconds. Beat my old "apnea jogging" pb by 10 seconds! In distance that would be anything from 90-150 meters. Shame I can't be more accurate.

I think I'll have to find some new exercises again for the static part, this co2 agonizing is just getting to me already.

But for now, I'll at least get a good rest.


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