Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Never take a pill from a stranger

Went to the chemist today, to get some supplements.

My (training) daily intake is now as follows:
vit. A 250 microg
vit B1 15mg
vit B3 50mg
vit B5 23mg
vit B6 10mg
vit B12 10 microg
vit C 500mg
vit D 5 microg
vit E 10 mg
Folic Acid 400 microg
omega-3 acids 650 mg
DHA acids 260mg
EPA acids 290 mg

In addition to this, normal food which includes plenty of vegetables (dark green, tomatoes, lettuce), at least 2 fruits per day and some fruit juices, protein and iron. I should be ok...I think the vitamin E intake is a bit low, but we'll see.

Did my normal set today, couldn't resist the temptation of a pb (but failed). This is dangerous, if I start hunting the pb again, I will just get bored and quit. It was visible to day. I was doing ok, but could see I wouldn't make it to 7 minutes, so I quit early. That's not the way to train. If I can't take the co2 training, maybe I'll take a break for a week or so...

Anyway, the data:
1:00 empty lung
1:20 empty lung
3:07 FRC (at this point I was thinking whoa, this is a good day)
4:23 (5*5:0:5, 30 packs, 10 contractions, 1st at 3:05)
5:07 (5*5:0:5, 30 packs, 15 contractions, 1st at 4:20)
6:20 (10*5:0:5, 30 packs, 30 contractions, 1st at 4:40)
5:50 (15*5:0:5, 20 packs, 15 contractions, 1st at 4:20)

First I was pissed I reached a measily 6:20. But now that I look at the data, I was doing pretty good. 6:20 with only 30 contractions! I propably had another minute in me, if my mind would've kept up. Also the last one, 5:50 with just 15 contractions. So physiologically I'm getting there, but the old noodle still needs some work.

I think I'll skip statics in the pool tomorrow and just concentrate on dynamics and in general having fun.

Today is swim day, so the evening continues with 1 hours of swimming.


At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seems you're hooked on some seeerious static apnea training there. Congrats for your achievements!

It's compelling to read how you're doing and how the project advances. To make it even more redable and user friendly, you could add some explanations for the abbreviations. See, some of us are just newbies in freediving, or will never have time or patience to browse endless DBForums to absorb all that knowledge ;-). I think FRC and breathing sequence 5:0:5 could do for the starters.

I've been a total slacker-diver in SD. Miss you guys at the pool. Take care!


At 1:16 PM, Blogger jome said...

Hey, nice to hear from you! Getting some good diving done over there?

I added a link to the "freediving glossary" on the right, at the end of the description of the blog.

FRC is I believe "Functional Residual Capacity". The technical definition is a bit more complex, but most commonly it means a passive exhale. So inhaling lungs full, and then just "releasing" the diaphgram and letting it return to it's passive state, but not making any effort to exhale (as opposed to full exhale or empty lungs).

5:0:5 is a notation commonly used for breathing cycles. Simply it is inhale:hold:exhale (in seconds), so it would mean that in on cycle I inhale 5 seconds, don't hold and the exhale for 5 seconds (approximately, I don't actually time my breaths :)


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