Thursday, October 28, 2004

At the pool

Yesterday we did a pretty heavy dynamic session, roughly:
3x 90% (for me 75m)
16x25m (focusing on technique)

Afterwards I did a bit of hasty statics. For warmup I did 2 emptylungs, each about a minute. Then one of 4:15, with contractions from about 3:00. Then 5:30 with contractions from around 3:30. Even though this is not a very impressive static, I'm happy I could pull it of quite effortlessly with really crappy warmup.

I think I've also found an explanation to the very late contractions on monday. When doing frequent and long series of statics, some of the co2 accumulates in the body and acidifies the blood. The kidneys take their time getting rid of it and it may take up to 24-48 hours to clear completely. So if I do statics more frequently than that, the effects would show up for days I guess. But after having a long break, the body was all clean again. With less acidic body I was able to delay contractions for longer, but the total apnea time was reduced, because of the weak bohr effect (in short, more acidic blood allows better absorption of o2 from haemoglobin). Or something...

I found some really interesting topics on this from DeeperBlue. Here's one to get you started :)


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