Thursday, October 28, 2004

Slow but steady progress

Good news, I may get in shape yet again. I managed to squeeze a 6:01 today. It was kind of hard, but clean. So there is hope yet. Extrapolating this, I should hit 6:20 next, then 6:40 and 7:00 ;) Well, ok, I'd be happy to get back to the 6:20 shape.

Today I decided to go straight for the big one. Like in the good old days a couple of months ago. I had a bit of trouble kick starting the reflex, but eventually I got there, sort of. Notice though, that in my usual warmup I would do FRC of over 2 minutes.

Anyway, here's the data:
FCR 1:20
Empty lung 0:40
Empty lung 1:00
FRC 1:35
4:00 (5x5:0:5, 30 packs, 18 contractions, 1st 3:00)
5:37 (10x5:0:5, 25 packs, 41 contractions, 1st 3:55)
6:01 (12x5:0:5, 25 packs, 50 contractions, 1st 3:45).

Suprisingly early 1st contractions today. Looking at it, maybe I could've managed that 6:20 with my maximun contractions (70 or so), but I don't think I could've go that far. Well, it's pointless to speculate. But hopefully this slump will be over.

On a positive note: if my "slump" means pulling of 5:30, which in the beginning of the summer seemed so far away, maybe I'm not doing too bad. Maybe one day I'll look at 6:20 and go "bah, that's so easy".

And now, the traditional jogging to end the day. 15km or so should suffice.


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