Sunday, November 21, 2004

At the pool again

Good day today. Did a new pb, 6:20 and with a shorter warmup and less hyperventilation than usual. I don't have much to say, it was a pretty average session. The only difference was that I did this time on a hold that I started as warmup. Some way through it it just started to feel like I could proplably go further so I did. I felt I could've perhaps pushed even more, but stopped because I don't want to do "huge leaps" in the water. That will just lead to frustration because of not being able to reproduce the result. I'll just slowly build the time, few seconds at a time.

Again, from memory:
1:20 FRC
0:45 Empty
4:00 (max packing, 10 contractions)
1:40 Empty
5:00 (5*5:0:5,max packing, 10 contractions)
6:20 (10 slow, relaxed breaths, 80% packing, didn't count contractions after 30)


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