Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Another 6:50

I hit it again, with samba, but less so and with pretty much the same pattern. What I'm thinking now is, with such heavy warmup hold, I should be left somewhat hypoxic to begin with, so my potential should be over 7 minutes now, if only I could get rid of the overly hard warmup. Still, this or that way, I'm sure I will hit 7 minutes quite soon, if nothing disasterous happens. I promised myself that after reaching that important goal, I shall return to more experimenting and especially shortening the warmup. But just now, I'm just too damn close to let it slip away.

I tried some holds yesterday, but just could not get it off the ground. I did 3 holds to about 4:30, but each time I would get contractions in 2-3 minutes. Two factors come to mind that could've caused this (and earlier experience seems to concur). First, I had tons of candy on sunday. An unfortunate slip, but it's pretty hard to resist when watching a movie in good company and the other half is munching away. Kind of comforting though, that the effect seems to go away in a couple of days. I also had a banana almost right before the holds (maybe half an hour), which was definently too close. It seems that eating makes a huge difference.

Today was completely different. On my first warmup FRC I hit 2:00, which is very unusual for a first hold. Right after it a 2:40, I knew I was in control. I then did a 5:20 and 6:30. Thinking back, maybe I should've pushed that 5:20 a bit further and then made the max on the next hold.

I was actually quite happy at 6:30, but it seemed so easy and I wanted to try if I could reproduce the result from the last 6:50. It seems I could, and it's a very nice feeling ;)

Ok, here's the data:
2:00 FRC
2:40 FRC
1:20 Empty
5:20 (10x5:0:5, 20 packs, 13 contractions, 1st 4:40)
Pack stretching, 23 packs
1:10 Empty
6:30 (10x5:0:10, 20 packs, 30 contractions, 1st 5:20)
6:50 (10x5:0:10, 15 packs, 22 contractions, 1st 5:40)

Notes: on the 6:30 I almost passed out after packing, I could feel my conciousness fading, but I kept telling my self (I'm still here, I'm in control) and so I was. Still, pretty scary and worth noting that almost the exact same thing happened the last time. Now is this due to the empty lung right before, hyperventilating or too much packing? Or all combined? I'm pretty sure now that my packing technique has gotten better. I can seem to put more than 20 packs in comfortably, no matter how much I stretch. The limit used to be over 30...

On the 6:50 packing was no problem and I seemed to be able to handle contractions very well. Note that in the 6:30 I had 30 contractions in 1:10 and on the latter 22 in 1:10. I just felt I could control them more on the 6:50 (slower frequency).

My contractions as a whole have gotten quite different from what they used to be. I do get sort of semi-contractions from about 4 minutes onwards, but I can suppress those mentally. I start counting from the first one I cannot control.

Also played with "image streaming" today, which is proving to be a very cool thing...


At 9:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey jome,
i see you`re doing very well... :-)
congrats to your 6:50 again!
Did a 3:56 last weekend - i hope to hit the 4 minutes next weekend...
The last weekend i didn`t eat anything trough the hole day and did in the lat afternoon... think i should continue like this!
How long do you train regularly? i think i allready asked you once, but im not sure anymore... shame on me! :-)
I hope to call you soon a 7 minute man...

I hope i dont get on your nerves with my posts...

At 2:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jome,

I too find it usefull to train static every day, but your routine seems to me as too damaging. You are hitting your PB every day and that may be the problem. Some guys from DB suggest only 2 static sessions per week (and PB only once a month).
How about doing some easy everyday 85% static training for a week (O2,CO2) and then try for the PB.
Just my thoughts.

At 3:56 PM, Blogger jome said...

Anonymous #1 (Farmer Mat I presume?):
Good progress man. And about getting on my nerves...That's proven to be very hard. I pretty much have the mind of a cow. It's just nice to see that people are reading and commenting.

Anonymous #2:
You're propably right and I'll propably be slowing down after I reach 7. But I can't really help but think that if I'm making progress, I'm at least close to the right path. I try to compensate for the amount of apnea with antioxidants and rest, but of course it's pretty much inpossible to know how damaging this is.

Doing 85% holds...I hit 6:45 months back for the first time, but then noticed I couldn't reach even close after that. I then changed the target to "what I could hit every time", propably close to 85% (then 6:10 or something). I've just gotten lost from that goal lately, since I seem to be able to hit more. But the bottom line is, I do what I can do, since most of the "struggle phase" is mental, I like the idea of doing a 100% effort every time, even if the time is not 100%

But I'll be trying something like this in the future for sure: hitting just over 5 minutes neighborhood with now breathup and now warmup. With shorter rest periods etc. Then trying for the pb only every now and them (1 months seems too long right now :). Maybe even trying pbs only in water. We'll see...

But it's quite clear I won't be go much past 7 minutes with the current style.

At 3:59 PM, Blogger jome said...

Jeez, I should always review what I've written before submitting...

Anyway, I meant of course "no breathup and no warmup"


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