Saturday, December 25, 2004

Holiday training

I've been doing christmas stuff, visiting relatives, driving around and most important of all, eating, so I haven't had a chance of doing breath-holds in the past couple of days. This morning I had some time, so I went with a couple of dry statics.

Nothing special here, I did the same thing I've been doing for this week. With one difference: I did one FRC warmup first. On the FRC I hit 2:00 on the first try, with about a zillion contractions. That was good, since usually I need at least one warmup to get there.

I proceeded to do 2:30 (80) (timed from 1st contraction) and a new pb of 3:10 (110). Cool.
Like I've seen in previous holds, I seem to peak on the second max hold. I think for dry training I'll keep on doing 2-3 max, but in water, I should seriously try to get to the point where I can hit max without warmup.

Ok, that just shortly...Now back to eating and stuff...


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