Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Pool trials

I went to the pool very confident today, but it just wasn't meant to be. First off, for 15 minutes it seemed that no one else would turn up and I was beginning to worry I couldn't do any statics. I did an easy 2:30 static while waiting, so the experiment was kind of already ruined.

I then proceeded to do 6 minutes of relaxing kneeling by the pool side, sub neutral, slow breathing, packed and went. Right away I started to feel like I have to cough, far from relaxed I ended up swalloning tons of my air. Anyway, I reached a nice 5:30, with contractions starting from around 3:30 and some 70 contractions. Not bad considering that there was no breathup.

On the second trial I managed a 5:58. 60 contractions from around 4:15. This time I had to cough even worse and I actually did a couple of times, again losing tons of air.

Not bad overall. I wasn't expecting to do 7 minutes right away, but I have to admint I was kind of hoping I'd go past 6:30. Now that I think about it, this is very good considering virtually no warmup (at least compared to previous) and no breathup.

But I'll have to keep at it for a long time to see actual results...


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