Monday, December 20, 2004

It begins

Ok, first trial for the new training. I did 3 holds, no breathups, short rest in between. Each time I pushed contractions to the max and sort of tried to play in my mind so I could find a way to like it. Surprisingly, I could do 80 contractions on the second hold and it felt sort of easy. There was a point at around 40 where I wanted to stop, but I just sort of sunk deeper into my mind and relaxed. Even at 80 I felt I could've hold on, but I started to get scared as I heard a clear shift in my hearing, so I let go.

But this is a good starting point for the training to come. I feel that more than 3 of these excersices is too taxing. On the third I was already kind of drained.

So here's how I did: (time from first contraction ( amount of contractions))
2:10 (70)
2:10 (80)
2:00 (60)

Weird how the time is almost the same, even though the difference in contractions is 20...


At 4:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jome,

I knew that this Laminar's suggestions will have such motivating effects on freediving comunity. They ARE worth of a million!
I was playing with this 'no warm-up' statics for a month now, but my goal was to find out my body's acidity/alkalinity.
I started every training with hold without breath-up, warm-up or packing. I always terminated this hold after 10 contractions. My best time was 3'00" (@1'47", 10 contractions in 1'13").
That was just playing with this approach, but from now on I will start with serious training.
Wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New year.
and please... KEEP POSTING.



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