Monday, June 27, 2005

Time to end

I haven't been able to train as much as I hoped during the last week. Today I did manage to get some done and managed 6:30 without packing. Not bad! But I can tell I was close to my limit. I can't remember exactly how many contractions I had, so even though there was no physical samba, it was definately close.

My haemoglobin has gone down almost 20 points. At it's highest value it was at 174 and now it's hanging in the 150s. Still fairly high, but that's a big enough difference to make up for a few seconds definately. I'll now try to improve that with a combination of exercise and diet. I was doing a lot of apnea jogging when it was in the 170's, so I'll have to assume that helped.

I've also decided to stop writing here, it just doesn't seem to serve a purpose anymore. At least not every breath hold I do. Maybe I'll come back and update some significant milestones of findings, but not regularily.

Another reason for that is that I don't want to set my self up for too high expectations. At the last competition, I was already exited before even getting into the water because people knew about my 8:00 and I knew they knew. So I knew people were expecting a lot.

This time I want to go into the competition as just someone who's "in the 6:30s". If I can pleasantly surprise someone, then so be it :)


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