Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Back from the pool again

Very good day today. I did only one static. No warmups, just relaxing for about 10 minutes, pack stretching about 5 minutes before starting. I did 5 deep breaths before going in, so I can't call this a "no breathup" static, but most definetly "no warmup". I hit 6:00 with 80 contractions, starting from around 3:30. Very cool. If I can hit 6 minutes without warmup with just a bit over a week of trying out this new method, it definetly has potential. Some little kids came to see me do my static and we're asking all these stupid questions from my safety. One of them was convinced I was a woman, and I almost burst out loughing, but held it in :) For anyone who's seen me live, it should be obvious that a woman of my size would be monstrous...The kids were really eager to try them selves and asked us to time them and I felt really bad about having to tell them that they couldn't and shouldn't. I don't think for a second they believed me, I bet they're home trying right now...We pointed them to a local dive club that organizes all kinds of activities for kids, such as snorkeling and simple freediving classes. Hope they took the advice.

Anyway, that's not all. You see, I proceeded to do dynamic and felt really good from the start. Perhaps, because I didn't depleat my self with tons of static warmups. I did a couple of 50s and they were so easy, I called a 75-100 for the buddy. And for the first time in my life, I actually reached that 100, with air to spare. Very cool indeed...


At 10:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jome,

Big congrats to your 100m dynamic. I believe your progress in dynamic has a lot to do with this new static training. Hope to prove that myself too.

I have one question concerning training. Yesterday I did my 7th 'new' static training in a row. I made progress almost every day, but I'm sort of afraid to continue. Laminar suggests 7-10 days of everyday max static and then for the couple of months just 1 max static a week. Then again this 7-10 days cycle. What do you think about it? Can this one max static per week be enough to create some reaction in a body. Maybe it will have even better effect since it will be a bigger 'shock' for the body. Right now, I'm concentrating exclusively on static. Maybe it's time to have a brake and start to work on dynamic, apnea walking, cardio etc.
It's so hard to left something when it's working well. I really miss couching theese times. Somebody to brake me, until it's too late.

At 12:56 PM, Blogger jome said...


I think you're right about the effect on dynamic. I don't think I've really improved in hypoxic tolerance, but I'm now not afraid to push a bit further in from the comfortable point in dynamic. I've usually get a pretty heavy breathing reflex at 75m and previously didn't push much further from that. But now that kind of marks the "start" of the dive.

I don't know about the intensity of training, I have no facts to base that on. All I know is that breaks are necessary now and then, but at this point I wouldn't even consider taking months of. Maybe 1 week of intensive training, then 1 off or something. But it's good to keep exercises diversive, or it's get's boring really fast.

Previously I was really worried about having the body in a constant acidic state due to heavy static training, but I think that if you only do 1 static per day, the most stress will be on your mind. Compared to the old style when I would do 1-1.5 hours of breathholding daily...

I can only speak for my self, but I would keep going as long as I make clear progress and notice anything wrong with my body...


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