Sunday, December 26, 2004

A quick one

Just quickly:
2:20 FRC (on the first hold, which is very good)
2:40 (100 contractions)
2:00 (60 contractions)

On the second one I just felt pooped and not very motivated in a house full of people...
But still, 2:40/100 is pretty good for the "first" hold (ok, not first, since I had that FRC, but I'm finding it hard to let go of one empty/FRC in warmup, since it so totally changes the way I feel and get's me to "breath-holding mode so quickly")


At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jome,

I too, find my second hold being better then my first. I think that is the heritage of our past apnea training (thinking). I want to get rid of it completely, but it takes some time and effort. My pre-Christmas training looked like this:
3'32" (@1'58", 15 contractions in 1'34")
4'19" (@2'23", 20 x in 1'55")
4'23" (@2'03", 25 x in 2'20")

Following the discussion of Laminar and Tylerz on deeperblue I think that it is important not to control breathing at all. My task is not to perform better hold than yesterday, though my task is to perform the longest breathhold I can to give my body a shock. Thus it will adaptate. Our training is just a strange CO2 table. As long as we will do 3 or more holds it will still be a table. The goal is to get all the adaptation just from one hold to the max.
I also find importance in rest days. Laminar suggests 7-10 days of training every couple of months (maybe 2) and 1 max static per week in between. That seems to me as a perfect 'shock training'.
I am not bothered by the soon start of my contractions anymore. I think that is my natural reaction to apnea (hypoxia, hypercapnia) as it always was and will be. Maybe I will be able to push it to some 3'00" with training. The time will show.


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